You are invited to share a 15 second video or audio file to be paired up with another video or audio file already posted on Videored platform by other users. This is a playful invitation that promotes endless explorations of the relation of image/sound as a collaborative piece.
To participate just visit VIDEORED website at :
Upload .mp3 or .mov files of less that 5MB to avoid troubleshooting. If you have any problems uploading just send your file to with your name specifying if you want to pair your piece with a specific existing file on Videored or if you want to upload a different file to be paired.
- Click on “platform” to display the videos already posted at BASE SONORA.
- To pair up a video or audio file with an existing file, click on one of the round thumbnails of the BASE SONORA branch to display the menu and choose “vincular”. Upload a 15 second audio or video file depending on the existing file.
- To upload a video or audio file to be pair up, click on the round thumbnail. to display the menu and choose "vincular". Upload a 15 second audio file or video file.
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if + sign appears double click on it to display more videos associated with the thumbnail |
Invitamos a compartir archivos de video o audio de 15 segundos para ser mezclados con otros videos y audios alojados en la plataforma VIDEORED. Este llamado busca explorar la relación audio-video y sus infinitas variaciones.
Para participar solo visite :- Da un click en “plataforma” para visualizar los videos que se encuentran en la rama BASE SONORA.
- Para combinar tu archivo con uno ya existente en la plataforma, haz click en uno de los iconos redondos de la rama BASE SONORA, permitiendo desplegar el menú de cada uno de los archivos. Escoge “vincular” en el menú y sube un archivo de audio o video de 15 segundos según el archivo que escojas
- Para subir un archivo de audio o video el cual quisieras que otros usuarios mezclaran. Haz click en cualquiera de los iconos redondos del cual quisieras despreder tu video y escoge "vincular". Sube un archivo de audio o video de 15 segundos.
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Si vez un signo "+" en el icono, indica que la rama puede ser expandible y puedes ver más videos haciendo doble click en el ícono. |
Time Mutations is the second in a two-part series of collaborative exhibitions of new art works by Media practitioners from the Media Art & Design Program at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and at the State University of New York at Buffalo’s Media Study Department. Invited artists of international renown will exhibit alongside selected student works from both universities.
The first installment of the series took place in August 2011 at the Nietzsche-Gedächnishalle (Humboldstraße 38) Weimar in collaboration with the Pure Data Convention's exhibition.
Time Mutations part two will open on January 24th 2013 in Buffalo/New York.
The first installment of the series took place in August 2011 at the Nietzsche-Gedächnishalle (Humboldstraße 38) Weimar in collaboration with the Pure Data Convention's exhibition.
Time Mutations part two will open on January 24th 2013 in Buffalo/New York.